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Looking for a list of halal foods and haram foods? Look no further than this list.

We have created these resources to be the go-to list when you want to check if a food is halal or haram.

Halal Food Checker

Halal Food Checker

Enter the name of a food item to check if it's halal:

Understanding Halal and Haram Food

As a Muslim, it is important to understand the concept of halal and haram food. Halal refers to food that is permissible according to Islamic law, while haram refers to food that is forbidden.

What is Halal Food?

Halal food must meet certain criteria. It must not contain any pork or pork by-products, alcohol, or any other substances that are considered impure or harmful.

The animal from which the meat is derived must have been slaughtered in a specific way, with a sharp knife that is used to sever the jugular vein and carotid artery, while the name of Allah (God) is pronounced.

This process is known as zabiha. Additionally, halal food must be prepared and handled in a clean and hygienic manner.


What is Haram Food?

Haram food includes any food or drink that is prohibited according to Islamic law. This includes pork and its by-products, alcohol, and any other substances that are considered impure or harmful.

It also includes any food that has been prepared or handled in a manner that is not clean or hygienic, as well as any food that has been contaminated with impurities or harmful substances.

It is important to note that the concept of halal and haram food is not limited to Muslims. Non-Muslims can also benefit from understanding these guidelines, especially when preparing meals for Muslim friends or colleagues.

By being aware of what is considered halal and haram, we can show respect for each other’s beliefs and practices.


Non-Halal Ingredients to Look Out For:

As a Muslim, it’s important to be aware of non-halal ingredients that may be present in food products.

Here are some common non-halal ingredients to look out for:

  • Gelatin: This is a protein obtained by boiling animal skin, tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and/or bones. It’s commonly found in gummy candies, marshmallows, and desserts.
  • Lard: This is a type of fat that comes from pigs. It’s often used in baked goods and fried foods.
  • Alcohol: This is a substance that is prohibited in Islam. It’s commonly found in wine, beer, and other alcoholic beverages, but it can also be used as a solvent or flavoring in food products.
  • Cochineal or Carmine: These are red food dyes made from crushed insects. They’re often used in candies, baked goods, and beverages.
  • Pepsin: This is an enzyme that comes from the stomachs of pigs. It’s sometimes used in the production of cheese and other dairy products.

It’s important to read ingredient labels carefully and do your research to ensure that the food products you consume are halal. Remember, being mindful of what you eat is an important part of practicing your faith.

List of Halal Foods and Haram Foods

Halal food refers to any food item that is permissible according to Islamic law. Here are some top halal food items:

  1. Halal meat: This includes meat from chicken, beef, lamb, and goat that has been slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines.
  2. Fruits and vegetables: All fruits and vegetables are halal, as long as they are not mixed with haram ingredients or cooked with haram substances.
  3. Grains and legumes: Rice, wheat, oats, lentils, and chickpeas are all halal.
  4. Dairy products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are halal as long as they are made with halal ingredients and do not contain any haram substances.
  5. Seafood: All seafood is halal except for those that are harmful or poisonous.
  6. Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, cashews, and sunflower seeds are examples of halal nuts and seeds.

It’s important to note that processed foods may contain haram ingredients, so it’s important to check the ingredients list before consuming them.

List of Halal Vegetables and Fruits

  • All vegetables and fruit: raw, dried, frozen, or canned.
  • All vegetables and fruit cooked or served with water, butter, or vegetable oils
  • All juices

List of Halal Grain Products

  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Any grain product, such as bread, breakfast cereal, or baked goods prepared without Haram ingredients

List of Halal Milk and Milk Products

  • Milk
  • Yogourt, cheese, and ice cream made with bacterial culture or microbial enzymes, e.g. microbial rennet

List of Halal Meat and Alternatives

  • Meat and poultry slaughtered according to Islamic dietary law (Zabihah)
  • Seafood    ✓ Eggs
  • Nuts, seeds
  • Peanut butter
  • Tofu
  • Halal deli meats
  • Dried beans, peas and lentils

Other Halal Foods:

  • Beverages: carbonated drinks, fruit juice, punch, cocktails, tea and coffee
  • Fats and oils: butter, margarine, mayonnaise, vegetable oils and some salad dressings
  • Miscellaneous: chutneys, coconut milk, jam, pickles, spices
  • Desserts made with agar and/or carrageenan base only
  • Sweeteners: honey, sugar, syrup, chocolate liquor (roasted ground cocoa bean syrup)

List of Halal Combination Foods

Main dish entrées: any Zabihah meat or alternative dish, pizza, pasta, or rice prepared without Haram foods and ingredients

  • Soups/sauces: any made without Haram foods and ingredients
  • Desserts and sweets: any made without alcohol, without pure or artificial vanilla extract, or any other Haram ingredient

List of Haram Foods

Any grain products prepared with Haram ingredients such as alcohol, animal shortening, lard
or pure and artificial vanilla extract

Any vegetables and fruit prepared with alcohol, animal shortening, bacon, gelatin, lard, or some margarine which contain monoglycerides or diglycerides from an animal source

Cheese, yogurt, ice cream, frozen tofu desserts made with animal rennet, gelatin, lipase, pepsin, pure or artificial vanilla extract, or whey

  • Pork and pork products, e.g. bacon, deli meats, ham, and sausage
  • Meat and poultry not slaughtered according to Islamic dietary law
  • Canned beans, peas, and lentils containing pork
  • Any meat and meat alternative dish prepared with alcohol, pork products, dog, or animal shortening
  • Beverages: beer, wine, alcohol, liqueur
  • Fats and oils: animal shortening, lard
  • Miscellaneous: chocolates/candies made with alcohol or pure or artificial vanilla extract
  • Desserts made with gelatin
  • Sweeteners: chocolate liqueur (made from alcohol)
  • Main dish entrées: any combination of foods prepared with Haram foods and ingredients
  • Soups/sauces: any prepared with Haram foods and ingredients
  • Desserts and sweets: any prepared with alcohol, pure or artificial vanilla extract, or any other Haram ingredient